Friday, November 29, 2019
Serpent handing Essay Example
Serpent handing Essay The book contributes greatly to the society in different ways. The major is a learning tool for Universities. The Archives of Appalancha at East Tennessee universities contain approximately 100 audio tapes and 50 video tapes on serpent handling services. The author according to me pays much attention to spiritual concerns other than the social change. The dynamic theory used to argue for the University of the Serpent as a means of body projections is directly related to death and resurrection.Despite the current modernization even in religion, the development of charismatic practices, some part of the United States is very strong on holiness sect. they are still practicing and following sings such as serpent handling. Although not all holiness sects handle serpents it is indeed an important act as described in mark 16:17 – 18.The Author focuses on Saylor family to illustrate the evolution of the snake handling movement which intensified as the economy and lifestyle of the Appa lachian Mountain Region moved from Agricultural subsistence to Industrial capitalism.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The British Colonies essays
The British Colonies essays The British Colonies to America Today In 1588, the British victory over Spain Armada gave them the craving to colonize lands in the New World. Many failures led to the success of the British colonies. An example of a failed colony was the first settlement. Roanoke Island founded by Sir Walter Raleigh disappeared into the wilderness and left the British as disappointed failures at colonizing the new lands. Finally on May 24, 1607 Jamestown was discovered and became the first successful settlement. After this historical discovery, the years of 1607 to 1733 shaped America to what it is today. Plantation crops of the early colonies were very important to the motherland of England. Tobacco plantations were in North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. And the rice plantations were in the swampy hot land of South Carolina. These plantations brought a high income to the European economy. The plantations of the southern colonies brought aristocratic atmospheres. The aristocrats supported the large lands of plantations to be the agricultural environment. Discovering the soil of the colonies saved them from the cold winters and from starvation. Some of the Europeans came from Europe to the colonies in the New World for religious freedom. Lord Baltimore founded Maryland to provide a home for his fellow worshipers of the Roman Catholic Religion. Lord Baltimore came from Protestant England to escape the persecution of the Roman Catholics. This led to the Act of Tolerance in 1649. This gave tolerance to both the Catholics and Protestants of the Maryland Colony. This act of tolerance excluded the religions that did not believe in Jesus. The meaning of the plantations and religious freedom has a great meaning to America today. The crops that were grown in the big plantations are still grown today. Rice and tobacco help the economy in the world trade in our society. Now there are more crops grown, but the soil would be...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Overview of the Multiperspectivity of Gender Roles Essay
Overview of the Multiperspectivity of Gender Roles - Essay Example George Orwell’s novel, 1984, puts an indecisive light on women’s role. This paper attempts to explore the multi-perspective gender roles evident in Orwell’s novel, as well as delve in the exciting ambiguity of its feminine elements. Sacrificial Women The protagonist’s (Winston Smith) mother repetitively played the universal nature of the feminine gender -- being self-sacrificing. This sacrifice concept is commonly known to start when a woman marries (i.e., submitting herself to the husband, and using the husband’s family name) or upon conception (e.g., eating nutritious food for the baby’s consumption and not for herself). Roazen, in his essay â€Å"Orwell, Freud, and 1984†strengthened the emphasis of this woman’s role through adding the adverb â€Å"ideally†in describing 1984’s women as â€Å"self-sacrificing creatures†(section V, para. 1). Moreover, Winston explicitly expresses this through his own inte rpretation of his dream: â€Å"he could not remember what had happened, but he knew in his dream that in some way, the lives of his mother and sister had been sacrificed to his own†(Orwell 78). ... Winston goes to say, â€Å"...they were down there because he was up here...†(Orwell 77). However, no matter how saintly it sounds, reading the whole novel will expose to the readers, through Orwell’s narrative style and women’s role, how ambivalent and ambiguous women’s gender-role is. Protagonist-Effectual Though characters aside from the antagonist are used to stimulate events and the protagonist, Orwell effectively used the effectual gender-role of women to rise up that usual effectual mode. Smith pointed out the specifics: 1) Winston’s mother (i.e., her memory) â€Å"encouraged him to desire a more liberal society;†2) his wife, Katherine, intensified Winston’s detestation of the Party; 3) Julia â€Å"triggered†Winston to finally deviate from the loathsome Big Brother and focus his intellectual pursuit to achieve freedom (1). However, one may argue that Winston’s desires, decisions, or actions were mainly the offsp ring of his rebellious nature and the feminine ‘stimulus’ was nothing but inconsequential. Yet, it is more absurd to dispense the catalytic effect the women characters had on Winston. In reality, though every person has the potential to act as such, this potential is not realized until an effective ‘pushing’ factor motivates the person. This holds true in 1984, and to argue otherwise may probably suggest the unrealistic framing of events and the useless tagging of such feminine encounters. Conformist In Orwell’s narrative, there is this evident contrast of feminine conformity and masculine rebellion. For instance, as Orwell detailed Winston’s dislike of women, since they â€Å"were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Industrial Organization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Industrial Organization - Term Paper Example The seller sets PËÆ'Ã' ²S, buyer holds its belief while the seller makes no sells if PË‚Ã' ²S. (c) The buyer only buys at PË‚Ã' ²B but the seller is at take it or live and only willing to sell at P≠¥Ã' ² the expected utility of the buyer will be at only P≠¥U, thus the utility will be u=Ã' ²B if he buys the product and 0 if he does not. As long the seller sets its price P≠¥Ã' ²S, there would be no clearing price and no trade takes place between the two as the buyers are not willing to spend more. (d) High prices reduces public demand hence little trade takes place between sellers and buyers {Tirole Jean, 1988}. In real life sellers actually set prices so as to compensate their production cost equivalent to MC and does not reduce it since they would make a loss. (a) Probability of buying high quality=4/5 and the probability of buying low quality=1/5. Since the product quality are observable, the willingness to buy high quality is 4/5 while the willingness to buy low quality is 1/5. (b) (i)As the firm provides warranty they incur extra cost of w. thus expected utilities becomes, for high quality  ½[10Ãâ€"4/5+0]=4. Expected utility for low quality,  ½[1/5Ãâ€"4+0]=0.4(Tirole & Jean, 1988). Since the expected utility for high quality is higher than the low quality and the information is unknown, consumers will go for higher quality foregoing the low quality. If low quality offers warranty they will make no sales thus their warranty is 0 while setting their price at c/PL=0.8=p. (c) If firms cannot offer warranty and the consumers are rational, they will go for high quality products since information is believed to be asymmetric. Consumers will buy products that will last and sure will work. (d) Profits of b is less than the profits of c. since consumers are assumed to be rational in c, there would be more sales as more high quality products would be sold as opposed to when the information is unknown in b. (e) In case of two firms, a firm with higher warranty would make
Monday, November 18, 2019
Risk Profiling Of Hazards Due To Operation of Autoplast Ltd Essay
Risk Profiling Of Hazards Due To Operation of Autoplast Ltd - Essay Example This paper illustrates that considering the present scenario of chemical leakage from the storage plant of AutoPlast Ltd. and contamination of water of River Cruze and subsequent outbreak of fire leading to the health problem of the surrounding housing estates, village and fish market, there is a dominant upheaval from the local community against the operation of AutoPlast Ltd. It is evident that there would be political intervention due to mismatch and fulfillment of interest of the political parties leading to several agitations and discussion between the management of AutoPlast Ltd. and the political entities. Political intervention would lead to the demand of hefty compensations for the health-affected people and any disagreement on mutual points would lead to unplanned expenditures of the company that is likely to affect the profit margin of AutoPlast Ltd. Although AutoPlast Ltd. is considered to be a major player in the local economy employing several local people surrounding t he river Cruze, the present scenario of fire outbreak due to the operations of the company leading to respiratory and health issues of local mass would generate a sense of disloyalty and hatred towards the brand of AutoPlast Ltd. and hence they would have a tendency to reject its products leading to the fall in production and price of AutoPlast Ltd. Thus, the economic risk of AutoPlast Ltd. in the present scenario needs to deal with in a strategic manner by the management of the company. Considering the present scenario of AutoPlast Ltd., the society has shown some tolerance to the company as it employs a majority of the workers in the local community. But considering the extent of damage in terms of life and death and the psychological impact on the society due to the presence of stimulants, the extent of risk that AutoPlast Ltd. is going to bear in terms of goodwill and subsequent volume and value of sales is considerable.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Health And Safety In A Mechanics And Office Construction Essay
Health And Safety In A Mechanics And Office Construction Essay Occupational Safety and Health is one of the main concerns of employers not only because of the human dimension involved but also because of their legal responsibilities. The objective of the Mauritius Employers Federation in this key area is to create greater awareness among both employers and employees about the need for a safe and healthy work environment. This is essential for the enterprises to be able to play their economic and social role. It cannot be denied that, besides the legal requirements, there is a cost-benefit relationship between OSH, on the one hand, and productivity as well as profitability, on the other. We believe that human and financial losses maybe avoided through professional safety management for the benefit of employees as well as enterprises. Health and Safety in a workshop is very important. If an employee uses equipment, tools and machinery, he should receive safety training. This should ensure that he feels confident in the use of machines and can operate them without having an accident or causing an accident to other people. Before an employee can use equipment and machines or attempt practical work in the workshop the employee must understand basic safety rules. These rules will help keep the employee and others safe in the workshop. In order to assure a safe system of work in the motor vehicle mechanical repair workshop, results from a systematic examination of a task in order to identify all the hazards and assess the risks, and which identifies safe methods of work to ensure that the hazards are eliminated or the remaining risks are minimized. A motor vehicle mechanical repair workshop constitute of several employees and several types of machineries that are being used. In order to recognize the hazards that are present, there are several steps that can be taken into consideration: Check the manufacturers instruction or data sheets for chemicals ( grease, benzene, engine oil, etc ) and equipment ( electrical trolley, towing machines, overhead lifting crane, etc ). Walk around the garage and take notes of things that an employee may thought to pose a risk. Talk to staff/employees to find out what work methods are currently in use, what training they had been given, and any particular requirements. Listen to the employees own concerns about health and safety Go through the accident book In a mechanical workshop, health and safety will deal with biological hazards, chemical hazards, physical hazards and ergonomics. Most accidents in mechanical repair involve trips and falls or poor methods of lifting and handling often resulting in serious injury. Accidents involving vehicles are frequent and cause serious injuries and deaths . Work on petrol tanks in particular causes serious burns, hundreds of fires and some deaths. Fire and explosion Fires and explosions are the cause of most deaths and property damage in motor vehicle repair workshops. Mostly, they involve the mishandling of petrol when draining fuel tanks and lines but incidents have also occurred during hot work (any process which generates flames, sparks or heat) repairs on diesel tank or the inappropriate use of paints/thinners e.g. to light rubbish fires. Make sure that safe methods of work with flammable materials and high temperatures. Some dos and donts Use a proprietary fuel retriever/adaptor when draining petrol from tanks and lines Store containers of flammable liquids in a safe place Before carrying out any hot work on drums or other containers that may contain vapours such as petrol, diesel, paints, solvents etc carefully consider the risks. Safer options include using cold cutting/repair techniques and replacing rather than repairing. Where hot work on a tank or drum is necessary, reduce the risks by emptying, cleaning, gas-freeing or inerting. Dont drain petrol over or close to pit or drain Dont smoke, weld or carry out other hot work while handling petrol or flammable paints/thinners Dont use petrol/thinners to burn rubbish or unwanted materials Hand-arm vibration Power tools transmit vibration into the operators hands and arms. Hand-arm vibration (HAV) can cause vibration white finger, a permanent and painful numbness and tingling in the hands and arms, also painful joints and muscle weakening. Hand-held portable power tools are used extensively in motor vehicle repair workshop. Purchase tools that have been designed and constructed to reduce the risk of vibration, and are suitable for their intended use. Train workers to use them safely and keep them properly maintained. Plant and equipment Plant and equipment can cause accidents if they are used unsafely or poorly maintained. Vehicles falling/rolling off incorrectly positioned jacks or stands, particularly where they are not chocked, are one of the main causes of fatal accidents in motor vehicle repair. In particular: lifting plant and equipment, including bottle/trolley jacks, axle stands ensure they are regularly serviced, maintained and, where necessary, thoroughly examined use correct pins in axle stands correctly position jacks and axle stands, and use chocks ensure that vehicles are always properly supported Guards and other safety devices must be maintained in good condition and properly maintained. Struck by Accidents are the cause of about 20% of injuries in motor vehicle repair. This category includes being struck by vehicles falling off inspection lifts, materials falling from elevated storage areas or the raised forks on fork lift trucks, by tools and materials ejected from plant and equipment and by movement of vehicles under repair. Tyre removal, replacement and inflation Tyre removal, replacement and inflation should only be tackled by competent staff. The main hazards which can arise include: manual handling injuries, which account for nearly a half of all tyre-related incidents reported; tool-related injuries (which make up a quarter of incidents), particularly from handtools such as tyre levers; and compressed-air accidents e.g. from a ruptured or burst tyre or violent separation of the component parts of the wheel. These accidents tend to result in serious injuries, including fatalities. Safety during tyre inflation Inflated tyres contain a large amount of stored energy, which varies according to the inflation pressure and the surface area of the tyre. If the tyre fails, an explosive force can be released at an angle of up to 45 degrees from the rupture. This has resulted in numerous fatalities. It is crucial that the airline hose between the clip-on chuck and the pressure gauge/control is long enough to allow the operator to stand outside the likely trajectory of any explosion during inflation. This will vary depending on the size of the tyre and its positioning. Car tyres generally contain less energy than truck tyres and their size and profile make them less likely to fail catastrophically. Sensible precautions are still required, but a restraining device such as a safety cage is not normally necessary. Welding fumes Fume from welding, flame cutting and other hot work varies greatly and may cause dryness of the throat, tickling, coughing, tightness of the chest and difficulty in breathing. Long- term changes in the lung are possible. Harmful fumes and gases during welding in motor vehicle repair include those from primer and paint layers, other surface coatings such as underseal, and from lead in car bodies. Use local exhaust ventilation e.g. mobile extraction unit with flexible exhaust hood and trunking, wherever possible and always in confined spaces. Roadside repair and recovery: Road traffic incidents (RTIs) and roadside safety People at work on the roadside either recovering or repairing motor vehicles, including tyre and windscreen replacement, are at risk from other road users. Protection of workers and members of the public from traffic risks on public roads is mostly a matter for road traffic law, which is enforced by the Police and other Agencies. However, existing health and safety legislation requires employers and self-employed persons to protect workers and safeguard others put at risk by their work activities. For example safe systems of work should be devised to ensure the safety of workers and the occupants of vehicles being recovered/repaired vehicles and/or attachments e.g. winches, cranes etc may be subject to health and safety legislation. Conclusion Working in the motor vehicle repais industry exposes people to potential dangers and it is the task of the employer (or self-employed person) to identify and minimize those risks. Health and safety in the woodworking industry The woodworking industry has one of the highest accident rates in manufacturing, most of which are caused by contact with moving machinery. Around two-thirds of all accidents occur on just three types of machine: circular saws vertical spindle moulders surface planers Risk management To reduce the chances of an accident occurring, its best to look at what might cause one and then decide what you need to do to stop it happening. The best way to do this is by a risk assessment. Assessment of the workshop Conditions will vary from clean to workshops where machines are buried under dust and off-cuts. The general tidiness is often a good barometer of how well other issues are being managed. Machinery should all be well maintained and have the correct safeguards. It should also only be used by those competent to do so and there should be evidence available to prove this. There should also be good control of health risks from wood dust (asthma, dermatitis), manual handling and noise, etc. Safety topics Working with machinery: Woodworking is the only industry where machinery accidents cause more injuries than slips and trips. Around 25% of these are classed as major injuries. Accidents can be caused by either contact with the moving parts, including tools, or kickbacks of timber and ejected cutters. This happens because of inadequate guarding and poor systems of work, often resulting from insufficient training. Slips, trips and falls account for 19% of accidents in this industry. Vehicles: major injuries to workers and members of the public were caused by vehicles at work. So it is vital to put sensible precautions in place to reduce the risks that vehicles can cause. Fire and explosion: Wood dust is highly flammable and you need to take care to extract it safely and keep it away from sources of ignition. Health topics Health risks in woodworking are not as well known as the safety risks but it is important that they are also included in the risk assessment. Key health concerns in the woodworking industry are: Manual handling Wood dust Noise Hazardous substances Manual handling Most injuries in the woodworking and furniture industry are caused during manual handling activities. There is potential for injury present during: handling of timber and board material machining and assembly handling and storage of the finished product Lifting and handling aids can significantly reduce the risk of injury. Wood dust Wood dust can cause serious health problems. It can cause asthma, which carpenters and joiners  are more like to get. Hardwood dust can cause cancer, particularly of the nose. Settled dust contains the fine particles that are most likely to damage the lungs. Noise Woodworking has some of the noisiest work places in industry. Short exposure to high noise levels can cause temporary hearing loss, but longer exposures can result in permanent damage. Sufferers often do not realise their hearing is being damaged, as hearing loss tends to be gradual. However, some effects such as tinnitus can develop more quickly. Tinnitus can be a permanent ringing or whooshing sound in the ears which can be very distressing, particularly when its quiet, such as when you are trying to go to sleep. Hazardous substances As well as causing asthma, wood dust, sap and the lichens associated with wood can have adverse health effects on the skin, respiratory tract (nose and lungs), eyes as well as the whole body. Some chemicals used in the woodworking industries can have adverse health effects. Particular care should be taken when using dichloromethane (DCM), also known as methylene chloride. This solvent is used to strip paint from wood. As well as being classed as a carcinogen, the vapour can cause drowsiness and headaches. In high concentrations this can lead to unconsciousness and death. Conclusion Key elements to managing woodworking safely include: Risk management: To reduce the chances of an accident occurring, it is best to look at what might cause one and then decide what you need to do to stop it happening. Training and supervision: By law, all workers must receive training and supervision that is appropriate to the equipment they will be using. Workplace management: Paying attention to layout, worker movement and keeping workshops and storage areas tidy can help reduce the risks. Workers themselves should also be encouraged to become involved in health and safety as they are often the best people to understand the risks and help find solutions. Through worker involvement, employees and employers, can act together to reduce accidents and ill health within the workplace. Health and Safety in the office Introduction The modern office environment presents an array of potential hazards that can be avoided by taking simple precautions. Although working in an office has always been considered relatively safe, office workers face occupational hazards that include eye strain, overuse syndrome, headaches, discomfort, trips and falls and manual handling injuries. The ACT Occupational Health and Safety Act 2005, aims to protect the health, safety and welfare of all people in every place of work. Under the Act employers, employees and the self-employed are required to meet certain standards of health, safety and welfare. Employers must ensure the health safety and welfare of their employees. To comply employers must: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide or maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure that equipment and substances are used, stored and transported safely and without risks to health. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide information, instruction, training and supervision that ensures the health and safety of employees à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintain their workplace in a safe condition including entrances and exits. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide adequate information about any research and tests of substances used at work. Employers must also ensure the health and safety of visitors to the workplace. Employees must: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cooperate with their employers in their efforts to maintain the required level of health and safety. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Take reasonable care of the health and safety of others. The self-employed must ensure the health and safety of visitors to the workplace who are not their employees. Manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and substances must: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure that their products are safe and not a risk to health when properly used. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide clear information about the safe use of their products. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Make available information about research and testing. People in control of workplaces (e.g. building owners who are not the employer) must ensure that the workplace including entrances and exits is safe without risks to health and safety. Reporting and recording workplace injury and dangerous occurrences Employers and persons in control of workplaces must report serious workplace injuries, illness and dangerous occurrences to the ACT Occupational Health and Safety Office on a Injury and Dangerous Occurrence Report Form. Employers are also required to maintain workplace records of employee injuries or illness that result in absences from work of one day or more. Office environment The office environment is a combination of lighting, temperature, humidity and air quality. The office can be a healthy and comfortable place to work if the correct combination of these elements is maintained. Temperature and air conditioning Office temperatures can be localized. A desk situated in direct sunlight will be much warmer than the average temperature in the office and a desk situated directly under an air conditioning vent can be cooler than average. Some older personal computers can generate as much heat as small electric bar heaters raising local temperatures above the room average. This problem can be compounded by the clustering of computers in one particular section of the office. Many of the complaints of discomfort in air-conditioned offices occur in the winter time. The cause of the complaints can be because if the air temperature is about 24 degree Celsius this feels hot to the worker coming into the building from the outside air. The problem can be made worse if the air movement is less. Humidity Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. The optimum comfort range for relative humidity is 40-60 per cent. Low humidity can cause dryness of the eyes, nose and throat and may also increase the frequency of static electricity shocks. Relative humidity above 80 per cent can be associated with fatigue and reports of stuffiness. If relative humidity is consistently high or low call in an air conditioning expert to conduct a review. Ventilation Ventilation refers to the movement of air and rate of fresh air input. Air movement of less than 0.1 metres per second can lead to stuffy rooms whereas above 0.2 metres per second draughts can be felt. Contaminated air Air contaminants in the office can include bacteria, viruses, mould spores and dusts, solvent vapours or chemicals generated or used in the building. Air conditioning units that do not provide adequate amounts of fresh air can cause high levels of CO2. Stale air due to poor ventilation and excessive heat build-up or humidity can also contribute to air contamination. Appropriate control measures for the reduction of air contamination include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Effective air filtration. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensuring that adequate amounts of fresh air enter the building. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintenance of air conditioning units, including regular cleaning. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Preventing the obstruction of vents. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Locating equipment using solvents in areas with substantial air movement and/or installing local exhaust ventilation. Smoking Environmental tobacco smoke is an indoor contaminant and there is growing recognition that non-smokers may suffer adverse health effects through inhaling tobacco smoke. Organisations are increasingly expected to limit passive smoking risks in offices in the interest of their employees and clients. A number of employers have fulfilled their legal obligations to provide a safe and healthy work environment by implementing no-smoking policies in their workplaces. Procedures such as consultation, education programs and the allocation of designated smoking areas are recommended for the development of an effective no-smoking policy. Plants in the office United States NASA studies have shown that plants reduce the levels of toxic substances such as formaldehyde, benzol and carbon monoxide in the air. Lighting The basic requirements for adequate lighting are that the work must be easy to see and the light comfortable to the eyes. Illumination is measured in units of LUX lumens per square metre. Sharp differences in illumination between adjacent areas should be avoided. Ideally the surrounding area should be slightly lower in luminance than the task area itself, except in special cases such as viewing outlines against a luminous background. Light should fall from the side rather than from the front to avoid reflections on the work surface. Glare causes visual discomfort and is usually caused by light sources which are too bright or inadequately shielded. Safety in the office Most office accidents result from slips, trips and falls, lifting objects, punctures or cuts and being caught in or between things. Slips are caused by slippery floors, uncleaned spillages or gripless shoes. Trips occur over objects lying on the ground or jutting out into aisles or poorly maintained floor surfaces. Falls can be from ladders or from standing on chairs to reach an object. Many of these accidents can be avoided by simple planning and good housekeeping: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Traffic ways and aisles should be well lit, and be kept clear of materials, equipment, rubbish and electric leads. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Floors should be level and the use of mats discouraged. Spilled liquids and anything else dropped on the floor should be immediately picked up or cleaned away. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Free standing fittings should be completely stable or secured to the wall or floor. Filing cabinets should be placed so that they do not open into aisles and should never be left with cabinet drawers open. For stability load cabinets starting from the bottom and do not open more than one drawer at a time. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Office machines and equipment should be kept in good working order. Equipment using hand-fed processes such as electric staplers and paper guillotines should be guarded and staff trained in their proper use. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Many pieces of equipment using electricity can mean trailing cables, overloaded circuits, broken plugs and sockets. Ensure that these dangers are seen to by qualified personnel. Escalators and moving walkways Escalators and moving walkways should function safely, be equipped with any necessary safety devices, and be fitted with one or more emergency stop controls which are easily identifiable and readily accessible. Manual handling Manual handling is a term used to describe everyday type activities such as carrying, stacking, pushing, pulling, rolling, sliding, lifting or lowering loads. For office workers this can include tasks such as moving boxes of stores, filing, getting equipment from cupboards and filling the photocopying machine with paper. Injuries that are a result of a manual handling incident include twisted ankles, sprains and strains, torn ligaments or broken bones. Many risks arising from manual handling can be controlled by quite simple solutions. Reducing manual handling injuries Stage 1: Risk identification Where are the manual handling injuries happening in the office? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Look at injury records. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Talk to employees and the workplace OHS committee. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Watch the work in progress. Stage 2: Risk assessment What is causing these manual handling injuries? Look at: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Force applied à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Actions and movements à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Range of weights à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ How often, and for how long the job is done à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Where the load is positioned and how far it has to be moved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Availability of mechanical aids à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Layout and condition of the work environment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Work organization à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Position of the body while working à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analysis of injury statistics à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Age of the workers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Skill and experience of the workers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Nature of the object handled à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Any other factor considered relevant. Stage 3: Risk control What changes can be made to prevent these manual handlinginjuries? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Redesign the job à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide mechanical handling equipment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide training in manual handling skills Once this process has occurred it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that have been made. Any evaluation must assess whether the changes are used correctly, help reduce manual handling injuries and have not created new problems. Chairs and posture checklist for keyboard workers Well adjusted chairs improve body position and blood circulation, reduce muscular effort and decrease pressure on the workers back. Chairs should swivel, have five wheels for stability, breathable fabric on the seat, a rounded front edge and have adjustable seat height and backrest for lumbar support. Lighting for VDUs Place VDUs to the side of the light source(s), not directly underneath. Try to site desks between rows of lights. If the lighting is fluorescent strip lighting, the sides of the desks should be parallel with the lights. Try not to put the screen near a window. If it is unavoidable ensure that neither the screen nor the operator faces the window. If the VDU is well away from windows, there are no other sources of bright light and prolonged desk-work is the norm, use a low level of service. Using a mouse A well designed mouse should not cause undue pressure on the wrist and forearm muscles. A large bulky mouse may keep the wrist continuously bent at an uncomfortable angle. Pressure can be reduced by releasing the mouse at frequent intervals, by selecting a slim-line, low-profile mouse and by using the mouse at a comfortable distance from the body. Rest breaks and keyboard work Frequent short breaks are most effective in relieving the strain associated with keyboard work. For reasonably sustained keying activity a break should be taken for a few minutes every half hour. During this break operators should walk around and perform whatever movement relieves the feeling of muscle fatigue. Movements that are a natural response to fatigued muscles such as shrugging the shoulders are generally the most effective in dealing with the fatigue. A particularly useful method of relieving muscle fatigue is to occasionally alter posture. That is, to change from the recommended posture for short duration. Some chairs have a forward tilt control that allows the worker to sit forward which can sometimes help to reduce fatigue to the muscles of the forearm, neck and shoulders. Eye strain Working with VDUs can produce tired and sore eyes and eye strain. To reduce strain take short rests and look into the middle distance or if necessary close the eyes and cover them with the hands without pressing and breathe deeply eight or nine times. Muscle care and preparation The following exercise should be done before commencing work and after lunch breaks. However it is important to: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Never stretch to the point where pain is experienced. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Refrain from doing these exercises if you have a medical condition that could be made worse by stretching. Welfare Sanitary conveniences and washing facilities Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences and washing facilities should be provided at readily accessible places. They and the rooms containing them should be kept clean and be adequately ventilated and lit. Washing facilities should have running hot and cold or warm water, soap and clean towels or other means of cleaning or drying. If required by the type of work, showers should also be provided. Men and women should have separate facilities unless each facility is in a separate room with a lockable door and is for use by only one person at a time. Drinking water An adequate supply of high-quality drinking water, with an upward drinking jet or suitable cups, should be provided. Water should only be provided in refillable enclosed containers where it cannot be obtained directly from a mains supply. The containers should be refilled at least daily (unless they are chilled water dispensers where the containers are returned to the supplier for refilling). Bottled water/water dispensing systems may still be provided as a secondary source of drinking water. Drinking water does not have to be marked unless there is a significant risk of people drinking non-drinking water. Accommodation for clothing and facilities for changing Adequate, suitable and secure space should be provided to store workers own clothing and special clothing. As far as is reasonably practicable the facilities should allow for drying clothing. Changing facilities should also be provided for workers who change into special work clothing. The facilities should be readily accessible from workrooms and washing and eating facilities, and should ensure the privacy of the user, be of sufficient capacity, and be provided with seating. Facilities for rest and to eat meals Suitable and sufficient, readily accessible rest facilities should be provided. Seats should be provided for workers to use during breaks. These should be in a place where personal protective equipment need not be worn. Rest areas or rooms should be large enough and have sufficient seats with backrests and tables for the number of workers likely to use them at any one time, including suitable access and seating which is adequate for the number of disabled people at work. Where workers regularly eat meals at work, suitable and sufficient facilities should be provided for the purpose. Such facilities should also be provided where food would otherwise be likely to be contaminated. Work areas can be counted as rest areas and as eating facilities, provided they are adequately clean and there is a suitable surface on which to place food. Where provided, eating facilities should include a facility for preparing or obtaining a hot drink. Where hot food cannot be obtained in or reasonably near to the workplace, workers may need to be provided with a means for heating their own food (eg microwave oven). Canteens or restaurants may be used as rest facilities provided there is no obligation to purchase food. Suitable rest facilities should be provided for pregnant women and nursing mothers. They should be near to sanitary facilities and, where necessary, include the facility to lie down.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Education: Empiricists vs Rationalists Essay example -- philosophy of
The importance of experience in education has always been the subject of philosophical debates. These debates between empiricists and rationalists have been going on for quite some time. Rationalists are of the view that knowledge acquired through senses is unreliable and learning can only be done through reasoning. On the other hand, empiricists believe knowledge is acquired through empirical impressions and concepts that cannot be learnt without being experienced (Evans, 1992, p. 35). This debate was however resolved by Kant who argues that both experience and rationality are necessary in learning. John Dewey was an American philosopher of the twentieth century and he also contributed to the debate on the learning process. In his book Experience and Education, Dewey (1938), he stated, â€Å"the belief that all genuine education comes about through experience does not mean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative†(p. 25). This famous quote has been evaluated a nd referred to regularly in the debate on learning through experience. According to Dewey (1938) experiences can only be termed as educative if they lead to further intellectual and moral growth. In order for experience to be termed as educative, both the community and the individual have to benefit from the said experience. The experience has to contribute to growth in curiosity, sense of purpose, and initiative in the learner. He was of the view that traditional education was hierarchical and therefore undemocratic in nature. According to him, in order to produce well informed, thoughtful and democratic students, learners need to participate in all aspects of the school program and gain the experience. Eventually, a learner has to reflect on the experience ... became widely accepted. However, his philosophy will continue to earn critical acclaim even in the coming days. Works Cited Boud, D., Keogh, R., & Walker, D. (1985). Reflection: Turning experience into learning. New York, NY: Kogan Page. Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. New York, NY: Macmillan. Evans, N. (1992). Experiential learning: Assessment and accreditation. New York, NY: Routledge. Ewert, A. (1989). Outdoor adventure pursuits: Foundations, models, and theories. Columbus, OH: Publishing Horizons. Goodlad, J. (1984). A place called school: Prospects for the future. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill. Kolb, A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Lewin, K. (1952). Field theory in the social sciences: Selected theoretical papers. London: Tavistock.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Auto Insurance Essay
They can serve to insulate you from economic upheaval in the case your car is destroyed or stolen or even from bankruptcy in the event you are sued for damages someone sustained in an accident involving your car. The author guides the reader through several key criteria which should be considered in an analysis of their own policy. A 12 page overview of the world of automobile insurance. Choosing adequate automobile insurance can be one of the most cost effective things an individual can do in this modern age. Not only can automobile insurance This 6 page paper provides an overview of the basic management strategies of the USAA insurance company. This paper considers the management perspective and strategy, as well as the operational function of the company and the increasing importance of restructuring principles for the company. premiums whittle away a sizable chunk from an individual’s take-home pay, they can serve to insulate you from economic upheaval in the case your car is destroyed or stolen or even from bankruptcy in the event you are sued for damages someone sustained in an accident involving your car. The author guides the reader through several key criteria which should be considered in an analysis of their own policy. 6 pages. The BMW M3 has been the subject of many articles and consumer report studies recently. Rating cars is not only just an annual task for automotive journalists but it is also a subject which auto enthusiasts look forward to eagerly each season. Did their favorite car make it to the top? What did the critics have to say about it? And do these opinions agree with those who actually own these cars? This paper focuses on the BMW M3 in the sports car class. For those who own the BMW M3 it is likely they will claim that hands down it is the best sports car they have ever driven. Although not all of the auto magazines rated the BMW M3 as number one, most owners will disagree. The BMW M3 has everything a driver wants in a sporty car. By looking at several magazine articles and talking to drivers of these well-made and handsome cars, it is easy to conduct our own survey. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Career Research Essay.
Career Research Essay. Thesis:Since the resent attacks on our country, the State Department has increased the need for Regional Security Officers at American Chanceries. As a young man, I enlisted into the Marine Corps to start my life, because I had nothing. From that time, I have encountered many people and opportunities that have directed me to the point that I am now. I have learned what I want to do with myself and that is to protect and lead what I can to make a difference. I want to protect democracy and our interest over seas so that our way of life will never be tampered with again.This next segment was researched to help me understand and pursue the path I have chosen. The paragraph will cover the different categories of requirements that have to be met. They cover everything from career development, duties, educational requirements, and salary with benefits.Badges of U.S. Diplomatic Security - Special Agent...Career Research.Since the resent attacks on our country, the State Department has in cr eased the need for Regional Security Officers at American Chanceries and Consulates. Diplomatic Security Special Agents (DSS) are specially trained Foreign Service security professionals; they are also sworn Federal law enforcement officers. Overseas, as a Regional Security Officer (RSO), they advise ambassadors on all security matters and manage a complex range of security programs designed to protect personnel, facilities, and information. In the U.S., Special Agents protect the Secretary of State and visiting foreign dignitaries, investigate passport and visa fraud, and conduct personnel security investigations.All Special Agents must complete approximately six months of initial training at the Diplomatic Security Training Center in the Washington, DC area and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswick, Georgia. The training program develops and tests proficiency in job related subjects that includes criminal law, federal court procedures, and...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Compensation, Benefits and Information Systems
Compensation, Benefits and Information Systems The reasons for employee benefits Most modern organizations are recognizing the employees’ compensation as one of the significant organization practices. Studies indicate that not only the employees that benefit from such practices but also the organizations (Shields, 2009). Most organizations perceive employees’ compensations as being costly. However, the benefits surpass the costs involved.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Compensation, Benefits and Information Systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In essence, proper compensation ensure continuous flow of qualifies staff with required skills and technical competence to keep the organization at the competitive edge. The organizations have to recognize the fact that the qualified staff with required skills and technical competence is the key driver for their growth and development. With current competitive environment, organizations find it necessary to keep such qualified staff within their workforce. In addition, organizations must remain flexible when it comes to the management of employees’ compensations and benefits On the part of employees, increased compensation and benefits ensure augmented productivity due to the satisfaction they receive from such benefits. Well-compensated employees feel protected from social ills that may affect the work processes that in turn may result in decreased performance. In other words, compensation and benefits that takes into consideration needs of workers are critical in the general output of the employees. The application of agency theory in executive compensation In the context of an organization, an agency is an entity that acts on behalf of the principle. The principle, in this context, is the shareholders (Shields, 2009). The principal have the responsibility of compensating the agent that can either be a CEO or any other entity hired by the principal to perform a particular d uty. According to the agency theory, the agent must be loyal and obedient to the principle. The agents are compensated based on their loyalty that determines the level of performance. In essence, the organizations must apply the principle-based executive compensation strategies to ensure cordial relations between the agents and the principle. The advantage with principle-based executive compensation is that it irons out the differences that may arise between the principal and the agent. Main forms of performance-related pay option The performance-related pay covers various forms of employees’ compensations that take into consideration the output of individual workers. In other words, workers are compensated according to the individual performance. The performance-based pay is applied in the circumstances where workers can easily show a discrepancy in their productivity depending on the individual endeavor.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In such situations, performance-based pay is believed to have greater chance of increasing workers performance. There are various forms of performance-based pay. However, the most commonly practiced include the piecework pay where the compensations are based on each unit of output. Piecework pay is majorly applied in public institutions. The advantage of piecework compensation is that it prevents public wastage and less costly in terms of financial management. The greater disadvantage with this form of performance-based compensation is that it does not motivate workers particularly in the situations where output cannot be measured. The other form of commonly used performance-based pay is the result oriented pay. In this form of performance-based payments, workers are compensated according to the quantity of output or measured value. The compensation increases with the increase in the results. The re sult oriented pay is closely related to merit pay where the compensation is pegged on the individual contribution in the general performance. Profit related pay is another form of performance-based payment where the organizations reimburse their employees depending on the level of profits or gains made by the company. One of the major advantages with all these forms of payment is that the employees are motivated to attain the greater output. The forms of compensation also enhance the performance culture among the employees and within the organization. However, these forms of compensation can hardly be determined without appropriate measurement procedure. In the circumstances where the output cannot easily be measure, performance based compensations have increased limiting factors. References Shields, J. (2009). Managing employee performance and reward: concepts, practices, strategies. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Flexibility facilitates innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Flexibility facilitates innovation - Essay Example A great deal of attention has been given to the psychological research on the personality of highly creative people in comparison to the less creative people. Positive characteristics are deemed to be related to high creativity. Research has unveiled that the sensation- seeking trait, in terms of preference for new and different experiences and readiness to incur risk in order to experience such, leads to spontaneous flexibility (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 168: pag 2). Flexibility on the level of personality can further be reflected in the ability of creative individuals to merge opposite or conflicting traits. The dimension of cognitive style gives disparity between the explorers as individuals who demonstrate spontaneous flexibility in providing solutions to problems, and the assimilators as individuals who tackle problems in a rule- bound and more rigid way (2004: p 168: pag 3). It may be more advantageous and profitable to employ a universal processing style during commencement of a project, in order to identify the importance of novice merchandise in the marketplace, or to collect information from varied sources (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 169: pag 3). On the other hand, during the more content- based explanation of specific merchandise, after generation of an idea, processing locally is of great assistance. Creativity is a product of integration between an individual and cultural environment. Flexibility is a major characteristic of organizational culture. When the organizational structure is rigid with hierarchical model, corporate flexibility is low and managers make conservative decisions while desisting from risky procedures and thus suffocate creativity (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 170: pag 2). Adaptive flexibility in definition is the ability to conform to fresh methods and strategies to solve a problem because of failure in old methods, or redefining a problem so as to obtain an original solution (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 167: pag 2). The ability to
Saturday, November 2, 2019
My View of Adult Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
My View of Adult Learning - Essay Example For example, I was able to learn numerous, different factors that are the driving forces behind these individuals’ drive for education achievement. Additionally, I also learned about some of the many factors that can distract or affect negatively the process of adult learning. It was clear from these course materials that adult learning is based on andragogical model of learning. This model is build upon the assumptions that adults have a need to know and learn adults also have a need to be learners who are self- directed and a need to have a self- concept that reflects that they are responsible for the decisions that they make. Therefore, adult learning programs are special as they are designed in such ways that allow them o set goals by themselves and organize their learning around the responsibilities each has as an adult. More specifically, I can relate my journey in education to the course content material of unit one. I am an adult learner who just recently went back to school, and traditionally my daily routines and responsibilities would not have fit with my education program. This is because my education would have a conflict with my responsibilities such as taking care of my family, and eventually one of the two would be neglected. However, with such programs as online education, I am able to satisfy all of my responsibilities. ... Up to now, this unit has taught me that the many challenges that we face as adult learners are as a result of some of the factors associated with adults going back to school and taking up education once more. My Current View of Adult Education Much of the view and thoughts I have on adult education currently are derived from my course content of unit two. As I went through the assigned content for unit two, I was able to learn numerous things about adult education I did not know of, and I was surprised to find out that there are numerous theories on the processes through which adults learn. Before hand, I was only familiar with the theory on adult learning by Knowles called the Andragogy theory, and with my limited knowledge I had assumed that this was the only theory through which adult learners like myself and my colleagues learned through. To my surprise, I became familiar with other adult learning theories such as the theories by such individuals like Jarvis, McClusky, and Illeri s. All these theories were in one way or the other related to the processes and styles through which I was able to learn and also related to many of my learning style methods. However, I was able to realize that my learning style methods were more related to the McClusky model or theory more than the other theories. This particular theory argues that there is always a constant need for one to strike a balance between the energy they need and the energy that is available to them. I thought this theory was more related to me because I had many facets in my life that struggled for my attention such as my children, work, friends, church, and even my
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