Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18
Understanding Response - Essay Example USA was unconscious that inside its dirts, there were activities being finished by the fear based oppressors to neutralize it in a significant occasion. Derrida, as a rationalist, despite everything puts stock in the intensity of extraordinary masterminds meeting up to deconstruct the state and accomplish changes. His system is the utilization of scholarly and political weights originating from universal gatherings of minds who will convince powers that be to advance harmony rather than war. His vision can be chafing, also, self-important, to accept that scholarly people such as himself can unravel the worldwide emergencies from their ivory towers! How elitist! In any case, his enthusiasm for opportunity is estimable. It appears he has altogether considered this, as he was articulate in his meandering aimlessly against the national state framework and the people’s discontent with it. Autoimmunity isn't an answer however a side effect to a more prominent issue. He is directly in speculation solidarity among individuals ought to win, however the scholarly class as well as the regular workers too, as they are the dominant part partners in the battle for a world liberated from terrorizing, fear based oppression and
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Controlled Heroin Use and Addiction
Controlled Heroin Use and Addiction Addiction Drug Use Heroin Print Controlled Heroin Use and Addiction By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 08, 2020 Controlled heroin use is possible for some users. Mario13 / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Heroin Cocaine Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Is controlled heroin use possible? Many drug users wonder whether controlled heroin use â€" recreational use of heroin without becoming addicted â€" is possible. Although this is a very under-researched area of the addictions field, and most research points to heroin users becoming addicted and suffering from severe problems, there was research in 2014 indicating that some heroin users get away with occasionally using heroin without becoming addicted.?? Stigma Among Physicians Research in 2016 has shown that physicians have a lot of hesitation around the prescription of opiate pain medication, with their view of patients they are considering prescribing pain medication to being divided between those who are seen as deserving pain patients, and those that are considered to be drug-seeking.?? Even back in 1962, Dr. Zinberg found that physicians were reluctant to prescribe opiate pain medication to patients who needed it, for fear that the patients would become addicted. Yet this fear was based on the social and cultural expectations of the physicians, not on fact. In reality, Zinberg noticed that very few patients in the hospital became addicted to prescribed opioids. This was Zinbergs first experience of how setting can affect subsequent addiction.?? While we might expect physicians to be objective and fair in the way that they view their patients, nothing could be further from the truth. Physicians often believe that judging patients is part of their job, as they soothe genuine pain patients while avoiding the possibility that they are enabling the addiction of drug seekers. What Research Says Dr. Norman Zinberg of Harvard Medical School carried out clinical work with drug users for over twenty years and conducted a series of studies of people who were using illicit drugs, such as heroin. He found that not all drug users lost control over their use and became addicted, and that set and setting were key factors in determining whether or not an individual lost control of their drug use.?? In researching British heroin addicts in the late 1960s, when heroin could be legally prescribed to those who were addicted, Zinberg found that there were two distinct types of heroin addict â€" those who were controlled in their use, and had functional and even successful lives, and those who were uncontrolled in their use, saw themselves as defective, and had self-destructive lifestyles. Yet prior to the criminalization of heroin in Britain, neither type was not a cause of social unrest, crime, or public hysteria. Again, Zinberg saw this as an effect of the legal status of heroin in Britain at the time. Zinberg also studied heroin use by distraught American troops in Vietnam, which was excessive and uncontrolled, and he saw as an effort to blot out the trauma they were experiencing there. Once they returned home and were out of the horrific and uncontrolled social setting of Vietnam, 88% did not recommence heroin use, although many had significant problems. Powell, a colleague of Zinbergs, found that it was possible for people to use heroin only occasionally â€" a group known as chippers. These individuals tended to socialize with non-drug using friends, and kept tight control over their heroin use, cutting back as soon as they noticed signs of dependence. This study showed that the controlled use of heroin was possible. 5 Harm Reduction Tips for Heroin Users How Heroin Users Keep Control As Zinbergs work progressed, he proposed that two important aspects of the setting of drug use were important in setting limits and controls around use. These aspects were rituals and social sanctions. Rituals are predictable patterns of behavior, and social sanctions are the values held by the drug users and their related rules of conduct.?? Sanctions include formal rules which reflect the values of the wider society, such as drug laws, and they also include informal, unwritten rules among drug users which restrict the use of drugs, such as knowing your limit. Decades later, the ideas originally proposed by Zinberg are now finally being reflected in the diagnosis of addiction. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, also known as the DSM-V or DSM-5, makes an explicit distinction between opioid use disorder, which involves drug-seeking behavior and compulsive use, and the physiological aspects of opioid withdrawal, which can happen to anyone who is reducing or stopping opioid use, including people on opioid medications who are not addicted.?? In spite of this research, The National Institute of Drug Abuse says that heroin is a highly risky drug,?? typically leading to long-term addiction, multiple serious life problems related to use, and a high probability of relapse. If you havent taken heroin before, it is safer not to risk it. 5 Things Everyone Should Know About Heroin Addiction
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Brave New World Book Report - 2378 Words
The scene begins at the Central London Hatchery in the year 632 After Ford. A guided tour is taking place, explaining the process of how a human is made. It’s a new age, and humans no longer are created by viviparous reproduction; in Brave New World, humans are made on an assembly line. People in this world are divided up into five social classes- Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, ranging from the highest caste to the lowest, respectively. The fetuses are developed in little jars that follow a conveyor belt for their caste. Each caste is exposed to different elements to strengthen or weaken the fetuses within the jars, for example, the lower three castes are deprived of oxygen to keep the individuals of that class smaller and†¦show more content†¦When Lenina and Bernard arrive at the Reservation, they listen to a boring speech about the savages, and Bernard calls Helmholtz to tell him to turn off the tap in his apartment. He is warned that The Director is s erious about exiling Bernard, leaving him very frightened and confused. The two meet a man named John who lives on the Reservation. Story has it, however, that his mother actually came from the outside world- she wasn’t from the Reservation. She was visiting and injured herself but was saved by the savages. After finding out that she was pregnant with John, she knew she could never return back to the real world. The connection and importance here though is that the mother of John, Linda, was actually the woman that The Director went to the reservation with so many years ago, and John was his son. John, in his world, was an outcast. He was looked down upon because of Linda’s origin and innate promiscuity she developed while she was a child in conditioning. Bernard offers for John and Linda to go back to England with him, and of course they accept. Bernard gets permission to take John and Linda back with him because the people in the real world would find them very valua ble, especially those of the scientific community. Meanwhile, at the Central London Hatchery, The Director is conjuring up plans on how to toast Bernard Marx. He decides to publicly fire him so the others will learn that his behavior is intolerable. But when Bernard shows upShow MoreRelatedBook Report : Brave New World 1144 Words  | 5 PagesBook Report: #1 Frank Root Fiction 3rd Period 9-4-14 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous 259 pages, 18 Chapters Entry 1 8-28-14 Pages: # 1-29 Read MoreBook Report : Brave New World 1144 Words  | 5 PagesBook Report: #1 Frank Root Fiction 3rd Period 9-4-14 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous 259 pages, 18 Chapters Entry 1 8-28-14 Pages: # 1-29 IRead MoreComparison of Mustapha Mond from Brave New World and Captain Beatly from Fahrenheit 451772 Words  | 4 Pagesof the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave (Arnold Schwarzenegger). I am Comparing and Contrasting 2 different Characters from 2 different books, Mustapha Mond from Brave New World and Captain Beatty from Fahrenheit 451. These 2 books are very similar and different in many ways. They both are similar because of the power or strength they have over people and the way they brain wash them. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Importance of Holocaust In the Establishment...
The Importance of Holocaust In the Establishment of Israel The holocaust seems to be a major reason in the establishment of the state of Israel. The state of Israel was created in May 1948; the Jews finally had a homeland of their own. There were a variety of long-term causes such as the Balfour Declaration, Zionist movement and short-term causes such as the holocaust and the influence of the USA. The area, which is now called Israel, was part of Palestine; it was under British mandate at the start of World War One. The holocaust is a term used to define the systematic killing of over 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime from the years 1933 to 1945. It took place in Nazi occupied territories,†¦show more content†¦The McDonald White Paper was a document that set limitations to the number of Jews allowed to immigrate into Palestine. Another cause for the creation of Israel was a promise made by Britain to the Jews, called the Balfour Declaration. However this was not the only promise that Britain made concerning Palestine during this period of time in history. The Balfour declaration stated that if the Jews were to help support Britain during the First World War, Britain would create a homeland in Palestine for the Jews once the war ended. However Britain at the same time also made promises to the Arabs living in the Palestine region that they would give up control over Palestine to the Arabs, and let them govern their own nation-state on the condition that the Arabs revolted and attacked the Turkish Ottoman empire which had aligned itself with Nazi Germany. On top of these agreements Britain also committed itself to a third agreement, these was the Picot/Sykes agreement which stated that Britain and France would divide up Palestine between themselves and disregard the calls to create nation-states for the Je ws or the Arabs. The Balfour agreement put pressure on Britain to carry out their promises. However it would be extremely different for Britain to give the Jews what they had been promised because of the promises they had made to others. Another causeShow MoreRelatedUnintended Consequences - Israel from Palestine1297 Words  | 6 PagesPity from the Holocaust A common argument for the Holocaust’s causation in the creation of Israel and generous partition of Palestine is the potential for nations to pity the Jews for their suffering. In truth, Zionism wasn’t offered any gains by the Holocaust. Not only was the genocide irrelevant to the argument of Zionism to the rest of the world, but it also couldn’t be pitied, as it was not yet understood. Overall, the Palestine question – and it was just that: a question regarding PalestineRead MoreArab Israeli Conflict 883 Words  | 4 PagesMcMahon promised British support in the establishment of an independent Arab state if the Arabs helped Britain overthrow the Ottoman Empire (which was aligned with Germany). 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Former U.S. President John Adams, commenting on the historical importance of the Hebrews, once said the following: I will insist the Hebrews have [contributed] more to civilize men than any other nation. If I was an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate, I should stillRead MoreAnalyzing the Isareli-Palestinian Conflict2775 Words  | 11 PagesAfter the proclamation of the Jewish state of Israel in the Palestinian territory on May 14, 1948 and the extensive territory gained by the Jews following Israel’s formation, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were driven out of their homes, and their home country as the Jews continued to immigrate to their newly founded state. The introduction of the massive Jewish population into the Palestinian territory, in which Jewish peoples practiced their religion but assimilated to many Palestinian
Plato V/S Aristotle Philosophies Free Essays
The questions that were posed: Plato or Aristotle, What are the differences in the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle? Which philosophy might have been the better one to live by in the era? Give examples and details to support your argument. Plato, who was the most famous student of Socrates, thought like Socrates and was not happy with the Athenian society as it was. Plato was even more upset with the Athenian society because they had his teacher put to death; even though it was reported that many of the Athenians were sorry for having done this. We will write a custom essay sample on Plato V/S Aristotle Philosophies or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hunt et al, 88) Both Socrates and Plato were republicans. He called democracy â€Å"a charming form of government†. In his dialogue â€Å"The Republic†, Plato is said to be a blue print for a perfect society. In it he talks about justice, statesmanship, ethics and politics. He did not believe that justice could be achieved through democracy. It is democracy that he blamed for the death of his teacher. (90) He wanted the â€Å"Republic†to warn the people of Athens that they needed a good education, respect for the law and leaders of their society. He felt there should be a stronger community base; like it was before the wars and the arrival of this democracy. The way people were able to understand what he called â€Å"the truth of the Forms†was how he would rank people in his perfect society. Plato felt that women could rank as high as men since they had the same virtues. He felt that these people could live together in the same barracks area and could have sex to make more enlightened children. Plato felt that society should be run by someone from this communal area. The ones who were the highest in enlightenment would be the ones to govern over the people. They would be called philosopher-kings. In his school that he named the Academy, after Academus or Hecademus, a mythical hero who had a cult following, Plato taught that people are born with knowledge. He said it was not learned after birth. It was only recalled. He said that knowledge is only in the mind. There is supposed to be a higher level that people are supposed to experience over and above that of the senses. This is needed because the senses have a tendency to deceive. There is a need for a higher plane of existence called Forms. These Forms allow the person to better understand the ultimate truth. Aristotle, even though he was taught by Plato had different ideas about how things should go. Aristotle was said to have been the tutor for Alexander the Great. He was also a biologist that was called a polymath, which means he knew much about everything. He too started his own school. It was called Lyceum. He did not believe that there was an Essence or Form. He believed in nothing but the facts. Where Plato said that knowledge was born inside everyone, Aristotle said that knowledge comes from experience. The thought is that Rationalism knowledge comes from experience and Empiricism knowledge (posterior) comes after experience. Aristotle also had a great confidence in sense perception. He felt that there are principles that come from experience. His beliefs would not allow him to believe that there is a world of Forms that transcends time and space. He said that if there were Forms and absolutes they would have to be found in the thing itself. He is best known for his ideas that logic is the way to win an argument rather than being persuasive. To him, looking at things in their natural settings would allow one to find out more about it. Aristotle did not think that women could be equal to men because of his false idea about biology. And he felt that slavery was not a bad thing. Aristotle did not believe that all people had the â€Å"rational part that should rule in a human†. (91) He like Plato did not think it was a good idea for regular people to run the government. He also felt that â€Å"better†people were needed to handle this. (91) According to Aristotle people should be able to train their minds to overcome the impulses that people have. He was not telling people to not do what they felt good doing. He just wanted them to think things through before they did them. The intellect of the human mind should be able to outshine the human will. The mind to Aristotle was the â€Å"god-like†part of the human and it was the part that should and could find the balance needed to keep what you want from ruling your common sense. Plato put the person’s will and self-control in the hands of someone else. Aristotle on the other hand felt that man is in charge of his own destiny and makes the ultimate decision to do something or not. In our society today there is a basis for what Aristotle thought in the way of philosophy. Many in the West value the concept that self-control overrules wantonness. Since the basis for society prewar was in the form of deities and Plato’s school of thought is still seemingly based on a type of deity, maybe the best way for the people of that era to be was more along the lines of Aristotle. His was would cause the people to think more about what they were doing. This may have been the best way for the culture to retain its once prosperous status. This would afford the Athenians the opportunity to rule rather than be ruled. When one accepts the consequences for their own actions and think about what could happen if they do things a certain way, it is less likely that the situation will turn out badly. The parts, of his philosophy, that were not good for that time is the thoughts on slavery and women. This would not promote unity which is what was needed. Works cited Hunt, Lynn, Thomas R. Martin, Barbara H. Rosenwein, Bonnie G. Smith. The Making of the West, Peoples and Culture, A Concise History. 3rd ed. Boston / New York. Bedford / Martin. 2013. Print How to cite Plato V/S Aristotle Philosophies, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy Essay Example
The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy Paper Absolutely! The Hitchhiker’s Guide narrates the tales of a low-profile small-town Englishman, Arthur Dent, who whooshes off with his friend and guide, Ford Prefect, a prominent intergalactic being temporarily residing in a human form on the earth, on a series of space adventures. From the outset it is obvious that Arthur Dent is no hero nor a role model. Yet, he is a character many of us, especially dreaming and fantasy-prone youngsters, can identify with. Many of us too hail from humble non-descript beginnings and, regardless, some of us certainly desire to be one day involved in matters of ultimate importance to the universe, just as Arthur Dent does in Douglas Adams’s classic tale. Human nature consists of this supreme ambition to reach to the stars. We can laugh at it, we can make fun of it, we can even try to forget it, but not for too long can we get rid of it. There is a deep impulse within the human soul to reach the hand for the skies and set foot on distant worlds, whether we acknowledge it or not, and whether this be in a physical sense or in some symbolical sense. The Earth is our home, but the Universe is our home too, both being a part of the same continuum. It is for this reason precisely that the rather ingenuous character of Arthur strikes such a deep chord with us. Behind the form of SF spoof and satire, we can occasionally sense Adams addressing some deep human longings of meaning and being. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Teenagers are full of such longing, it is very for this longing to be connected to the vastness of the universe in some way. The Hitchhiker’s Guide, in its own nonchalant and beguiling manner, can stretch our minds to a higher dimension. The universe is an infinite mystery. However, instead of being intimidated by its endless vastness, or being petrified in sheer awe of it, one has to learn just to take things in one’s stride, and keep moving on. More than a central message or philosophy, Adams projects a certain attitude in his book. And it certainly rubs off on the young readers of the book, which is what perhaps explains the cult status of this novel. Thinking and philosophy, the incessant seeking and searching for answers – they are integral part of what we are and give us humans a sense of purpose and direction in life; without them we would be lost. Yet we can perhaps find a new dimension of ourselves which is quite at home with the universe, without the agency of a thinking mind acting either as a medium or as a barrier. Thinking is our most precious treasure, yet keeping it aside and being unburdened of it, even if only for a short while, and thereby connecting to the universe directly, can give rise to new perceptions and a new sense of exhilaration. The Hitchhiker’s Guide may seem like light satire that is designed to have fun at the expense of human values, beliefs, and intelligence (and sometimes particularly in a British context), but consciously or unconsciously, Adams has interwoven into the strands of its narrative some subtle themes and messages which are of deeper significance. This book does not take anything seriously, especially itself – and therein lies its essence. Yet in its own way it makes us think seriously about ourselves and the universe. It is an indirect, fun-filled and disarming approach to provoke some serious questions in us, the same questions it seemingly makes a mockery of. Every high school senior has to learn what the ultimate truth is. The ultimate answer to everything, after all, is so simple  it is†¦ well, 42! Reference: ADAMS, DOUGLAS. â€Å"The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. †First Ballantine Books Trade Edition. New York: Ballantine Books, 1997
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Professional Selling Sales Management Product Features Benefits Deconstruction Essays
Professional Selling Sales Management Product Features Benefits Deconstruction Essays Professional Selling Sales Management Product Features Benefits Deconstruction Essay Professional Selling Sales Management Product Features Benefits Deconstruction Essay Professional Selling Sales Management Product Features Benefits Deconstruction and Creation of a Silent Seller’ You are required to do this assignment if you failed assignment 1 Briefing Sheet for Assignment 1 Analytical Step 1. Select any single tangible product OR intangible service of your choice. 2. Secure a brochure or download other product information from the web. 3. Make a list of what you consider to be the most important product features. In this context the cutting pasting’ of narrative information from your source material is allowed. 4.Link your list of features each with a corresponding benefit to form feature / benefit pairs. This analysis and listing will be captured in a Powerpoint slide (refer to slide templates). 5. Perform a benchmark’ comparison between your selected product and either a named single competitor or with similar competitor products in general. Be sure to provide a clear notation of your selected product’s benchmarking as either o’ (equivalent), +’ (better than), or - (worse than)you comparator. Your benchmarking comparison will also be captured in a Powerpoint slide (refer to slide templates). Silent Seller Narrative . Create a general equivalence statement based on your o’s. 7. Create a specific recommendations statement based on your +’s. 8. Highlight which potential objections have been identified based on your -s. 9. Create statement/s as to how you intend to deal with potential objections. Collectively, your silent seller narrative will be captured in a Powerpoint slide (refer to slide templates). Source Material 10. Examples of your source material should be submitted along with your Assignment. So Would I Buy one? 11. The overall level of convincingness of your rationale and recommendation will also be assessed.Mark Allocation 12. Marks will be awarded on the following basis: Slide 1. Your name; your Kingston I. D. number; the name of your chosen product; the name of your benchmark comparator. Slide 2. Your feature / benefit pairs analysis (25%). Slide 3. Your benchmark comparison analysis (25%). Slide 4. Your silent seller narrative (50%) of which the equivalence statement (10%), the recommendations statement (10%), innovation in handling potential objections (20%) and general level of convincingness of your rationale (10%). Submission deadline: 12 noon on Friday 23 August 2013
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Sociolinguistics Definition and Examples
Sociolinguistics Definition and Examples Sociolinguistics takes language samples from sets of random population subjects and looks at variables that include such things as pronunciation, word choice, and colloquialisms. The is data is then measured against socio-economic indices such as education, income/wealth, occupation, ethnic heritage, age, and family dynamics to better understand the relationship between language and society. Thanks to its dual focus, sociolinguistics is considered a branch of both linguistics and sociology. However, the broader study of the field may also encompass anthropological linguistics, dialectology, discourse analysis, ethnography of speaking, geolinguistics, language contact studies, secular linguistics, the social psychology of language, and the sociology of language. The Right Words for the Given Situation Sociolinguistic competence means knowing which words to choose for a given audience and situation to get the desired effect. For instance, say you wanted to get someones attention. If you were a 17-year-old boy and you spotted your friend Larry walking out to his car, youd probably utter something loud and informal along the lines of: Hey, Larry! On the other hand, if you were that same 17-year-old boy and saw the school principal drop something in the parking lot as she was walking to her car, youd more likely utter something along the lines of, Excuse me, Mrs. Phelps! You dropped your scarf. This word choice has to do with societal expectations on the part of both the speaker and the person to whom he is speaking. If the 17-year-old hollered, Hey! You dropped something! in this instance, it could be considered rude. The principal has certain expectations with regard to her status and authority. If the speaker understands and respects those societal constructs, he will choose his language accordingly to make his point and express proper deference. How Language Defines Who We Are Perhaps the most famous example of the study of sociolinguistics comes to us in the form Pygmalion, the play by Irish playwright and author George Bernard Shaw that went on to become the basis for the musical My Fair Lady. The story opens outside Londons Covent Garden market, where the upper crust post-theater crowd is attempting to stay out of the rain. Among the group are Mrs. Eynsford, her son, and daughter, Colonel Pickering (a well-bred gentleman), and a Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle (a.k.a Liza). In the shadows, a mysterious man is taking notes. When Eliza catches him writing down everything she says, she thinks he’s a policeman and loudly protests that she hasn’t done anything. The mystery man isn’t a cop- he’s a professor of linguistics, Henry Higgins. Coincidentally, Pickering is also a linguist. Higgins boasts that he could turn Eliza into a duchess or the verbal equivalent in six months, with no idea that Eliza has overheard him and is actually going to take him up on it. When Pickering bets Higgins he can’t succeed, a wager is made and the bet is on. Over the course of the play, Higgins does indeed transform Eliza from guttersnipe to grand dame, culminating with her presentation to the queen at a royal ball. Along the way, however, Eliza must modify not only her pronunciation but her choice of words and subject matter. In a wonderful third-act scene, Higgins brings his protà ©gà © out for a test run. She’s taken to tea at the home of Higgins very proper mother with strict orders: â€Å"She’s to keep to two subjects: the weather and everybody’s health- Fine day and How do you do, you know- and not to let herself go on things in general. That will be safe.†Also in attendance are the Eynsford Hills. While Eliza valiantly attempts to stick to the limited subject matter, it’s clear from the following exchange that her metamorphosis is as yet incomplete: MRS. EYNSFORD HILL: I’m sure I hope it won’t turn cold. There’s so much influenza about. It runs right through our whole family regularly every spring. LIZA: [darkly] My aunt died of influenza- so they said. MRS. EYNSFORD HILL [clicks her tongue sympathetically] LIZA: [in the same tragic tone] But it’s my belief they done the old woman in. MRS. HIGGINS: [puzzled] Done her in? LIZA: Y-e-e-e-es, Lord love you! Why should she die of influenza? She come through diphtheria right enough the year before. I saw her with my own eyes. Fairly blue with it, she was. They all thought she was dead; but my father he kept ladling gin down her throat til she came to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon. MRS. EYNSFORD HILL: [startled] Dear me! LIZA: [piling up the indictment] What call would a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza? What become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Somebody pinched it; and what I say is, them as pinched it done her in. Written just after the close of the Edwardian Era, when class distinction in British society was steeped in centuries-old traditions strictly delineated by a set of codes that related to family status and wealth as well as occupation and personal behavior (or morality), at the heart of the play is the concept that how we speak and what we say directly defines not only who we are and where we stand in society but also what we can hope to achieve- and what we can never achieve. A lady speaks like a lady, and a flower girl speaks like a flower girl and never the twain shall meet. At the time, this distinction of speech separated the classes and made it virtually impossible for someone from the lower ranks to rise above their station. While both a shrewd social commentary and an amusing comedy in its day, assumptions made on the basis of these linguistic precepts had a very real impact on every aspect daily life- economic and social- from what job you could take, to whom you could or could not marry. Such things matter much less today of course, however, it is still possible for some sociolinguistic experts to pinpoint who you are and where you come from by the way you speak.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Reforming the mandatory minimum sentencing policy Research Proposal
Reforming the mandatory minimum sentencing policy - Research Proposal Example The spread of mandatory minimum penalties for offences together with the great increase in the numbers of people in prison has led to those dealing with criminal justice to re-evaluate this age-old issue. The number of people in US prisons has increased by approximately eight hundred percent since the eighties and this has forced the federal prisons to operate at almost forty percent above their normal capacity (Reamer, 2003). Despite the fact that the US has only 5% of the inhabitants of the world, its prisons hold almost twenty five percent of all the prisoners in the world. There are more than half a million federal prisoners in United States prisons and almost half of all these prisoners have been locked up for crimes that are linked to drugs and abuse of various substance. Furthermore, about nine million more people go through the country’s jails every year while around forty percent of the forty percent of people previous held as federal prisoners and almost sixty percent of those formerly held as state prisoners are arrested again of have their supervision canceled only three years after they leave jail. The mandatory minimum sentencing laws oblige compulsory prison sentences of specific lengths for the individuals who are found guilty of particular federal and state offences. These rigid legislations may appear as quick fix solutions for crime but they destabilize justice through inhibiting judges from giving the punishments to individuals based on the circumstances of their crimes. These laws have resulted in the number of prisoners increasing exponentially and thus leading to overcrowded prisons, unreasonable costs to the taxpayers as well as diversion of funds from other areas such as law enforcement (Cole & Smith, 2013). Most of the sentences under these laws are applicable for crimes associated with drugs; however, they also target other crimes such as specific gun, pornography and economic crimes. The mandatory minimum
Saturday, February 1, 2020
PART 2 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PART 2 - Term Paper Example The law and the doctor’s code of ethics as well lays out the right of patients’ to confidentiality of their medical information or records. Breach of this confidentiality is punishable by law. If a hospital is proved to have made public such private information or voluntarily enabled third parties to access such information, its image can be damaged completely. Since health care is a very sensitive issue to individuals seeking treatment and they require their information to be treated with utmost confidentiality, it is very difficult for them to seek treatment to an institution where they are not certain of confidentiality. Therefore, a health organization can lose mush of its clients. This is also accompanied by financial losses as people will seek medical care elsewhere. Health organizations that operate through financial support from donors and well-wishers can lose this support if proved to be negligent of the right of patients in terms of confidentiality of the med ical records. On the other hand, breach of private medical information can also have adverse effects on the part of the patients. Some information is very sensitive and if it falls into the wrong hands, patients can be emotionally affected. For instance, disclosure of a patient’s HIV/AIDS status can lead to discrimination and stigmatization. There are a lot of negative effects that are associated with discrimination such as stress, or mental torture. Some people have even been reported to commit suicide as a result of discrimination and stigmatization. Disclosure of such information can also affect the social life of an individual as s/he may feel embarrassed if some private information falls way into the public. If private medical information of an individual falls into the hands of employers, some people may lose their job based on the severity of their medical problem. Some medical conditions have been proved to affect productivity of individuals in the workplaces as they may skip some days or take breaks from work to seek medical care. Therefore, an employer may terminate employment if such information falls into his/her hands. In addition, this may also directly affect other family members as they may also be discriminated against. For instance, a wife may be stigmatized or discriminated against if her husband’s HIV status is known by the public. In some parts of the world, certain medical conditions are regarded as a taboo and punishment from God hence may lead to discrimination (Cordess, 2001). In a nutshell, breach of patient’s medical records or information may have negative effects to the health care provider, patient, as well as other family members. References Banker, E. A. (2006). Institutional Review Board: Management and Function. New York, USA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Cordess, C. (2001). Confidentiality and Mental Health. New York, USA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Assignment 2 Potential causes of breach of confidentia lity and assessment Confidentiality of patients’ medical records has been a sensitive issue over the recent past. As evidenced in many sources, there have been a lot of cases involving patients complaining of breach of confidentiality in terms of their medical records. In fact, many health care providers have in the past been sued and found guilty. This paper describes the possible causes of breach
Friday, January 24, 2020
Bridge of Montenegro :: essays research papers
     When I think about my unforgettable experiences in Montenegro, there is always one image that reoccurs in my mind. That picture is the bridge in the river that we used to go swimming in. This bridge does not have a name, however, that does not decrease its importance to the residents that live in that area. It holds various historical facts, information, and stories. Although it is too small to carry automobiles, it allows people to get from one city to the other without driving there. Many people in Montenegro do not have cars or any other means of transportation, so in order for them to get to their desired destination, they must take the bridge. This bridge carried farmer’s cows and sheep’s and led them to their pasture every morning and night. In spite of the fact that cars could not fit through, horses hauled produce over the bridge to nearby markets. The bridge helped people, animals, and food get to where they needed to go instead of taking the streets and risk g etting robbed or hit. Things have changed since the seventy – year old bridge was built. Nowadays it is considered a historic site and diving board to tourists and the citizens. I have noticed the bridge and scenery change before my eyes through the years that I have visited it.      I never would have thought it could alter the way it has. Not too long ago, this bridge was the only means of transportation for the natives of Montenegro. When I was younger, I remember the condition of the bridge was as if it were just built. The screws were all in the right places, tightly fastened, and the metal had barely began to chip off. After revisiting this place numerous times, I noticed some distinct transitions. Years later, I observed the transformation of the metal beginning to rust and peel off. Along with that, the nuts and bolts have slowly begun to unscrew themselves due to erosion and time. I remember climbing the surrounding cliffs that led to the bridge and the jumping off of it along with the other children. At that time, doing so was easy. The rocks were a bit difficult to climb, however, with the help of wearing sneakers; it made it a bit easier to ascend. The bridge was built on the peak of the crag, making it accessible to all thrill see kers.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Bob Marley Biography Essay
In the story Marley And Me, John and Jenny Grogan are a new married couple. Jenny becomes depressed that she can’t even keep her plants alive. This made her decide that they should get a dog in order for her to prepare for their future baby. After listening to the soothing reggae music of Bob Marley, they both simultaneously came up with the name Marley for their new puppy. Bob Marley was the connection between the two couples. They heard his music on the car radio as they drove down Biscayne Boulevard; they heard it as they soaked their first conch fitters. They fell in love with South Florida and with each other, and in the background it always seemed Bob Marley. â€Å"We fell in love with his music for it was, but also for what it defined, which was that moment in our lives when we ceased being two and became one.†Bob Marley was the ‘soundtrack’ to their new and exotic life together. Bob Marley, known as the king of reggae, was born on February 6th, 194 5 in St. Ann Parish, Jamaica. His mom was a teenage Jamaican native, and dad was a 50-year-old white navel captain. His parents got married in 1944, which is a year before Bob was born. Norval Marley barely got to see his son Bob since his family did not accept marriage. A couple years after, Bob Marley was sent to a private school to get away from the gangs that were running wild. One of his first and greatest songs â€Å"Simmer Down†was based on how Bob was also known as a rude boy, and would fight back if ever pushed. Bob Marley is widely known for helping Jamaican music come out there worldwide. He has been a great influence in the lives of many present artists, poets, and actors. His songs were based and influenced by the social issues of his homeland because as a child he experienced poverty and violence. When he moved to the private school he was encouraged to play the guitar by one of his new best friends. What truly influenced him were the local performers down in Trench Town. Some of the people he grew up listening to in the trenches of Jamaica are, the legendary Fats Domino, Ray Charles, and Elvis Presley. At first, his career started by him trying to sing just the way his favorite singers sang. Marley’s career started when he was introduced to the Island records because of Leslie Kong who admired Marley’s’ vocals. Bob Marley put his first record on February of 1962; the song was called â€Å"Judge Not†which consisted of loud, scratchy, and fast paced sounds. Music back then consisted of those sounds and definitely was something to dance to. When his song first came out it was only a local hit, but his international fame grew by the years. His friends created the group The Wailers, which were signed to the Maroon records. During the 1969’s, the Wailers first tape was recorded, they were sent to England and released on Trojan records, it was Bob Marley and the Wailers first album. The album was only released in Jamaica and England, and the album sold very well. In the early seventies, Bob Marley and the Wailers were already pretty popular throughout the Caribbean region too. This album would be the new standard of what reggae music would be like, and was thought to be the new music sound that would sweep the world. Bob is also known for his most world famous song, No Woman No Cry. 1976 Rasta man Vibrations was released and the album cracked the American charts. At this point it seemed like Marley was unstoppable. It seemed like nothing could tear him down, but eventually something did and everything went crumbling for Marley. In December of 1976, a murder try took place at Marley’s house. It was a gang of â€Å"sorts†who tried to take Bob Marley down for reasons. Why they wanted to do such thing? That is still unclear till this day. Marley was shot, but did not die since it was not a deadly wound. After that incident, Bob Marley released an even bigger album than Rastaman Vibration came out called, Exodus. Exodus was so popular is stayed on the European charts for 56 weeks! This of course made everything all right for Marley. In 1978 the chart topper Kaya came out. The band saw success once again, and the next year Survival was released, this album was a pro-Africa album, and had songs relating to Africa’s issues at the time. Time however was running out for Bob Marley. In 1980, an other album of Bob Marleys’ was released, Uprising, which was an instant hit. In 1980 a tour with Stevie Wonder was being planned for him and it was going to be the biggest event of his career. Unfortunately, he had a little soccer injury earlier. It was such a simple injury, but it turned into some form of Cancer. The injury refused to heal and instead quickly worsened, the entire nail came off and doctors recommended amputation. It spread throughout his entire body and Bob knew he looked unwell. His last concert was in Pittsburgh on Sept. 23, 1980, at the Stanley Theater. He experienced many different treatments to keep him alive longer. In September of 1980, Marley almost fainted onstage while performing in New York. Marley was diagnosed with a brain tumor (which was the result of the untreated cancer in his toe). Marley was given less than a month to live; the doctors confirmed that he had cancer in the brain, lung, and stomach. Eight months later, Marley passed away at the age of 36, May 11th, 1981. His music lives on through the music of different artists. Bob Marley is not only one of the greatest musicians; he is also one of the greatest men in the history of the world. Through his music, he not only touched the life of his fellow people, he has also influenced their lifestyles, and feelings of people worldwide. He has so many powerful messages through his music. He is dead, but his music is not.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Hunger Games Book One Review
In The Hunger Games, author Suzanne Collins has created a fascinating dystopian world. The Hunger Games is a compelling novel focusing on life in an authoritarian society in which young people must compete to the death in the annual Hunger Games. The main character, 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, volunteers for the Hunger Games to keep her younger sister from being required to participate and her experiences and fight to survive are the heart of the book. Reading The Hunger Games can lead to interesting discussions about our own world and how reality shows, threats of war, authoritarian governments and obsession with fashion trends influence us daily. Due to the darkness of the story, it is best suited for teens and adults rather than tweens, although many younger kids have read the book or seen the movie or both. Panem: the World of the Hunger Games Trilogy While the creation of Panem is not fully fleshed out until the second book, we know that this authoritarian society was the result of a horrible disaster during the Dark Days, resulting in the establishment of twelve districts under the rule of the government in the Capitol. Peacekeepers and a local government are instituted in each district, but the rulers in the Capitol have strict control over everything and everyone in each district. Each district has its own specialty that benefits the Capitol, such as coal mining, agriculture, seafood, etc. Some districts provide the Capitol with energy or material goods and some provide the manpower to keep those in the Capitol in power. The people who live in the Capitol contribute little to their own sustenance and are concerned mainly with the latest fashions and amusements. The Hunger Games are an annual tradition directed by the Capitol rulers, not only to amuse the citizens but also to preserve control over the districts by demonstrating the Capitols dominance. Each year, the twelve districts must send two representatives, a girl and a boy, to participate in the Hunger Games. These representatives are called â€Å"tributes†to make people believe that representing their district is an honor, even though each person lives in fear that someone they love will be chosen. And the entire nation must watch as these 24 tributes battle each other to the death until only one is left as the victor. Having a victor is important to a district  extra food and a few luxuries will be granted to the winners district. The government has created the ultimate reality show, complete with technological challenges and constant monitoring of the movements of the participants. Each citizen is required to watch the Games until their conclusion, which may take hours or days. Summary of the Story Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen has been providing for her family since her father’s death in a mining accident. She has done this by illegally hunting beyond the boundaries of District 12 and using the game she kills for food or for barter. Through her skill with a bow and her ability to track and snare rabbits and squirrels, her family has been able to survive. They have also survived because Katniss signs up for the tessera, a ration of grain that is given in exchange for placing your name in the lottery for the reaping, the ceremony that determines who will be the district’s representative in the Games. Everyone’s name goes in the lottery from the time they reach the age of 12 until they turn 18. Each time Katniss exchanges her name for the tessera, her chances of being the one whose name is called increase. Only it isn’t her name that is called -- it is her sister’s. Prim Everdeen is the one person that Katniss loves above all others. She is only 12, quiet, loving and on her way to being a healer. She would not be able to survive the reaping and Katniss knows this. When Prim’s name is called, Katniss immediately volunteers to take her place as a tribute from District 12 to the Hunger Games. Katniss knows that it is not only her own life on the line in the games, but that others will benefit as well if she is the victor and her skills as a hunter will give her an edge in the Games. But her life as a tribute becomes more complicated by the other tribute from District 12. Peeta Mellark, the baker’s son, is a boy that Katniss owes a favor because of a kindness that he showed her when she was most desperate and her family’s survival was at stake. And Katniss knows that now her survival will mean his death. Katniss is whisked away from her family and Gale, her best friend and hunting partner, to the Capitol, where she is prepped and primped to participate in the Games. She and Peeta are to be mentored by Haymitch, the only tribute that District 12 has had who was a winner of the Games. But Haymitch is a reluctant and seemingly inadequate mentor, so Katniss realizes she must rely on her own strengths in order to survive. As the first book of the trilogy, The Hunger Games is compelling reading and makes the reader want to read the next book immediately to find out what happens to Katniss and Peeta. Katniss is a strong character who solves her own problems and takes charge of her own life. Her struggles with her divided affections between two boys are realistically portrayed but not overwrought. And her tendency to inadvertently create problems can spark many conversations about whether she was right or wrong and whether she stayed true to who she is. Katniss is a character that readers will not soon forget. About the Author, Suzanne Collins With the Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins, award-winning author of the Underland Chronicles, brings her talents to a new trilogy aimed at a more mature audience than her books about Gregor, the Overlander. Collins was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in 2010, an honor that was based on the popularity of the first two books in the Hunger Games trilogy. In its popularity and impact, the trilogy has been compared to other popular fantasy novels for young people, such as the Twilight series and the Harry Potter series. Collins’ experience as a television writer enables her to create stories that appeal to tweens and teens. Suzanne Collins also wrote the screenplay for the movie adaptations of The Hunger Games. Review and Recommendation The Hunger Games will appeal to teens, ages 13 and up. The 384-page book contains violence and strong emotions so younger tweens may find it disturbing. The writing is excellent and the plot propels the reader through the book at a rapid rate. This book has been chosen by Kansas State University to be given to all of the incoming freshmen to read so that they will all be able to discuss it throughout the campus and in their classes. It has also become assigned reading in many high schools. The book is rich in discussion points not only about governments, personal freedom, and sacrifice but also about what it means to be yourself and not submit to society’s expectations. For information on challenges to the book, see The Hunger Games Trilogy. (Scholastic Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780439023481) Edited March 5, 2016 by Elizabeth Kennedy Disclosure: A review copy was provided by the publisher. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.
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