Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Importance of Holocaust In the Establishment...
The Importance of Holocaust In the Establishment of Israel The holocaust seems to be a major reason in the establishment of the state of Israel. The state of Israel was created in May 1948; the Jews finally had a homeland of their own. There were a variety of long-term causes such as the Balfour Declaration, Zionist movement and short-term causes such as the holocaust and the influence of the USA. The area, which is now called Israel, was part of Palestine; it was under British mandate at the start of World War One. The holocaust is a term used to define the systematic killing of over 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime from the years 1933 to 1945. It took place in Nazi occupied territories,†¦show more content†¦The McDonald White Paper was a document that set limitations to the number of Jews allowed to immigrate into Palestine. Another cause for the creation of Israel was a promise made by Britain to the Jews, called the Balfour Declaration. However this was not the only promise that Britain made concerning Palestine during this period of time in history. The Balfour declaration stated that if the Jews were to help support Britain during the First World War, Britain would create a homeland in Palestine for the Jews once the war ended. However Britain at the same time also made promises to the Arabs living in the Palestine region that they would give up control over Palestine to the Arabs, and let them govern their own nation-state on the condition that the Arabs revolted and attacked the Turkish Ottoman empire which had aligned itself with Nazi Germany. On top of these agreements Britain also committed itself to a third agreement, these was the Picot/Sykes agreement which stated that Britain and France would divide up Palestine between themselves and disregard the calls to create nation-states for the Je ws or the Arabs. The Balfour agreement put pressure on Britain to carry out their promises. However it would be extremely different for Britain to give the Jews what they had been promised because of the promises they had made to others. Another causeShow MoreRelatedUnintended Consequences - Israel from Palestine1297 Words  | 6 PagesPity from the Holocaust A common argument for the Holocaust’s causation in the creation of Israel and generous partition of Palestine is the potential for nations to pity the Jews for their suffering. In truth, Zionism wasn’t offered any gains by the Holocaust. Not only was the genocide irrelevant to the argument of Zionism to the rest of the world, but it also couldn’t be pitied, as it was not yet understood. Overall, the Palestine question – and it was just that: a question regarding PalestineRead MoreArab Israeli Conflict 883 Words  | 4 PagesMcMahon promised British support in the establishment of an independent Arab state if the Arabs helped Britain overthrow the Ottoman Empire (which was aligned with Germany). 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